Trademark Registration

Register your trademark in Switzerland

Stacks Image 30
  • Registration of your trademark with the Swiss Trademark Register
  • Protection period 10 years (subject to renewal)
  • fixed price including official fees - no surcharges, everything included
  • handling by by an experienced trademark attorney

for CHF 995.00 including VAT*

* no VAT for clients outside Switzerland

Protect your Trademark! - FAQ

What can be registered as a trademark?

Marks and logos that consist
  • only of a picture without text (figurative marks)
  • of graphic elements combined with text (mixed mark) and
  • of plain text (word mark)

Why protect a trademark?

Registering a trademark gives you the exclusive right to use a mark for specific goods and services or to grant someone else the right to use it (e.g. licensing). As a trademark owner you can prevent others from using an identical or similar sign for the same or similar goods and services.

A trademark is valuable capital and a lot of money and time is often invested in building up its market presence. No one should be able to imitate your trademark: Your trademark advertises your products and services and distinguishes you from your competitors. The first one who has registered a trademark has the legal advantage. If a competitor is ahead of you in trademark registration, your marketing activities can be heavily limited or even ruled out. As the owner of a registered trademark, you can license the mark, lease it or sell it.

The fact that your firm name is registered with the Commercial Registry does not give you full protection. The Commercial Registry examination depends on other criteria than those used for trademark examination. An entry in the Commercial Registry is no guarantee for the registerability of a trademark. Besides, the geographic scope of protection of your company name is dependent on the form of the company. Trademark protection is for all of Switzerland.

Who can register a trademark?

Individuals as well as companies or associations. It does not matter if the trademark holder has his domicile or residence in Switzerland or abroad. However, the application must be filed by a person with an address in Switzerland.

What is the meaning of the symbols ® und ™ ?

The symbol of trademark registration, ®, may only be applied to a trademark if it has been legally registered as such in Switzerland, i.e. entered into the Swiss Trademark Register. It is not compulsory to use the registered trademark sign ® and in Switzerland it makes no difference in the owner's rights. However, it can alert other people to the fact that the trademark is registered and prevent infringement cases.

Do you have further questions?

Please do not hesitate to contact trademark attorney Nicolas Schwarz, should any further questions arise (please refer to the footer for the contact details).

Trademark protection in 2 easy steps:

1. Fill out the online form

You will find the link for the online form at the end of this page.

Trademark attorney Nicolas Schwarz examines whether your trademark can be protected and if an identical trademark is already registered with the Swiss Trademark Register (only text). If your mark cannot be protected or already is registered, there will be no charges.

Thus, you will only get an invoice if your trademark is likely to be registered. You also get a power of attorney (POA).

2. Pay and return the signed POA

You can pay by money order or online with your credit card (via PayPal).

The POA can be returned by mail, fax or email.

Trademark attorney Nicolas Schwarz then files the application with the Swiss Federal Trademark Office. With regard to the protection of your mark, the application date will be decisive (your mark is protected from the date of the application despite of the fact that it will be registered later).

1-2 weeks after the application you will receive the certificate of deposit and after the successful registration (usually up to 4 months later) the registration deed.

General Terms and Conditions

1. The application with the Swiss Federal Trademark Office will only be made after receipt of the fixed fee.

2. If, according to my opinion, your mark cannot be protected or if an identical trademark is already registered, no invoice will be issued. If you already have paid, you will get full refund. Since the research on the trademark register is text-based, registered trademarks, however, can only be identified on the basis of the text. Graphically identical marks therefore cannot be recognized.

3. In-depth legal examinations are not included in the fixed price. If such examination is required in your case, I will contact you in advance with a price offer.

4. Trademark searches in registers other than the Swiss Trademark Register are not included in the fixed price. Please contact me for such searches.

5. The fixed price covers all services needed for the trademark registration. Your mark will only be registered in Switzerland. Optional services are available after registration of your trademark at extra costs (such as monitoring, legal action against third parties in case of trademark infringement, extending trademark protection to other countries).

6. A trademark is not protected in general but rather related to specified goods and services. The fixed price includes the registration in up to 3 classes of goods or services. Registering additional goods or services results in extra costs of CHF 150.00 (plus VAT, if applicable) for each additional class. If 3 classes of goods or services do not suffice in your case, I will contact you.

7. You may only register your own logo as a trademark. This might not be the case if you have purchased a logo in the internet.

8. Swiss Trademark Law provides that protection shall lapse if a trademark is not used for 5 years. Therefore, you should use your mark within 5 years from the entry for the designated goods and services.

9. I cannot guarantee that your mark will be registered, as the Swiss Federal Trademark Office will take this decision at its own discretion. However, I will inform you in advance, if I see any problems with regard to the registration. If the trademark registration is objected, I will look for a solution in order to enable the registration without any further charge.

10. I recommend to register your mark also as an internet domain. Information will be provided upon request.

11. Please note that all filings and the registration deed will be in German.

12. Exclusive place of jurisdiction is Zurich.

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